So you finally decided to put your skills to test and are ready to take the challenge of an exam? Great! Our Examiners team, composed by the Training Coordinator, Training Assistant Coordinator and their Training Advisors, is always ready to put some members under some light pressure to prove their worth.

The same way that we all passed through crawling, to take a few steps without tumbling all the time and then running, our ratings are designed to allow you to slowly increase your knowledge. In the same sense, our exams difficulty also increases progressively.

Every exam consists in a theoretical and a practical examination. You can read all the required information on Exam Briefings here.

The theoretical part is always performed before the practical, and if your knowledge is not enough, you will have to repeat it before you can advance to the practical part. This goes inline with the HQ Training Department, to ensure that you possess the required skills to pass the practical part of the Exam.


For Pilots, you as an Examine need to inform the intended aircraft to perform the exam when the Examiner contacts you to schedule the exam. In order for you to prepare your flight, do all the required calculations and routing, your Departure and Destination aerodromes will be given between 48h to 24h hours before the planned EOBT.

For Air Traffic Controllers, you can consult here all the rating information. For Pilots, ratings can be found here.

The following Facilities are approved for ATC Examinations:

ADC Exam APC Exam ACC Exam
LPPR – Porto LPPR – Porto Lisboa Continental
LPPT – Lisboa LPPT – Lisboa Lisboa North and Center
(under evaluation)

On the Examine request only, ACC Exam might be performed on Lisboa Main.

Requests for Exams on other Facilities will be decided on demand.

Feeling like going for it? Click on the button below that will take you to your personal page on IVAO main website so you can request the exam.

I am ready!

You can expect one of the following examiners to evaluate your performance:

Ruben Rocha

Training Coordinator

Paulo Santos

Training Assistant Coordinator

Peter Jorge

Training Advisor


Training Advisor