In these page you can find the main characteristics for the Aerodromes in Lisboa FIR that have an AFIS Station, but let’s start by the basics.
What is an AFIS Station and What Is the Role of an AFIS Agent?
AFIS Stands for Aerodrome Flight Information Station and the AFIS Agent is responsible for the Safety of the Aircraft (and vehicles) inside the Air Traffic Zone (ATZ) and on the Ground.
Does the AFIS Agent give any clearance?
Absolutely! In general, he is responsible to determine the runway in use, based on the winds and local conditions, coordinate the departure instruction with the Controller responsible for the Controlled Airspace above and then relay it to the airplane and give the arrival traffic instructions on how to join the Traffic Pattern.
What else does the AFIS Agent?
He is also the responsible for all ground movements and for the airplanes in the Traffic Pattern. To ensure separation in the air, the Agent provides separation by giving all pilots information regarding the other traffic, especially to those entering or leaving the ATZ.
Phraseology examples will be added later on this page, to better help you to know how to perform the role of an AFIS Agent.